Participation in the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program is a requirement for all students attending Smith’s Hill High School. Students in Years 7 ‐ 12 bring their own computing device to school as long as it complies with the BYOD Device Specification. Students must read, understand & comply with this BYOD Policy. The device is to be used to support student learning and understanding.
The school does not manage, support, maintain, own or warranty the device. The school
supports access to the internet & DEC applications only. If you are concerned the device is
going to be broken, lost or stolen, you may wish to consider specific accidental damage
insurance for the device.
Internet access via the schools Wi‐Fi is filtered at school. Students must not connect to
other networks (wired, wireless or 4G/5G) while at school. A student data download limit of
1GB (1,024Mb), should not be exceeded in a 24‐hour period. To assist staying within the
student data download limit, students should not download operating system & program updates
at school. Consistently exceeding the student download data limit can lead to internet
access being restricted.
Use of the device at school is at the direction of teachers & school staff. While at school, all
material & data on the device is subject to review by teachers & school staff. Standard
school discipline procedures apply for use of the device contrary to this BYOD Policy or
school rules. Students are not to create, participate in, or circulate content that attempts to
undermine, hack into &/or bypass the hardware & software security mechanisms that are
in place.
Students should not bring peripheral equipment, including power chargers & cables to
school with their device. Devices should be fully charged before arriving at school.
A connection to the Smith’s Hill High School Wi‐Fi network is considered an implied
acceptance of the school’s BYOD Policy.
This document should be read & interpreted in conjunction with other relevant Smith's Hill High School & Department policies and procedures.