Antivirus versus Anti Malware: Which One Should I Choose?
Why antivirus and antimalware can help users fight against cyber attacks People should be safe on the Internet, but reality shows us...

My Covid-19 isolation development
During the Covid-19 isolation period, a positive mindset can help you get through a tough time. I found a great website to keep me busy,...

Cloud Storage - 5 Benefits for Students
Cloud storage is ideal for busy students because it offers many unique benefits that will keep even the most frenzied student organized....

How screen time affects rest
When kids don’t get enough shut-eye they can become cranky, tired and moody, and run the risk of developing a host of physical and...

BYOD Security Update
ALERT! Windows BYOD Security update patching. As you would have seen in the media over the past two weeks, a major malware outbreak...

iParent (internetParent). Protect your digital lifestyle.
Welcome to iParent - where parents can learn about the digital environment and keep updated on their children’s technology use. Here you...

Adobe Creative Cloud for BYOD Students
Free for all NSW Department of Education Students Pip Cleaves blog

Digital Citizenship
Raising Good Digital Citizens We're always reminding our kids to "pick up after yourself" and "cover your mouth when you cough", but...

NSW DEC BYOD Software Download Instructions
FREE NSW DEC Student software includes Windows 7, 8 & 10, Microsoft Office, Adobe Suite & more. Follow these instructions so you can...