BYOD Security Update
ALERT! Windows BYOD Security update patching.
As you would have seen in the media over the past two weeks, a major malware outbreak spread across the world affecting many Windows computers running versions XP, 7, 8 and 10. The WannaCrypt Ransomware can spread via computer networks and does not rely on a user opening an email attachment or visiting an affected website, making it particularly destructive.

Once activated on a PC, it will automatically encrypt every user-created file and document it finds including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe PDF and JPG format as well as dozens of other file types, rendering them inaccessible.
The WannaCrypt ransomware spreads via a security exploit that Microsoft released a security patch for in March of this year. All department-managed Windows computers (including eT4L and corporate) are protected via centrally-delivered patching and update services which have already deployed the necessary patch. However, there are concerns about Windows computers that are in schools and corporate offices that are unmanaged or are personally owned. (eg. BYODs).
ITD’s Information Security Unit has published urgent advice regarding the patching of unmanaged and BYOD Windows devices used in schools and corporate offices.
Blog information taken from Technology for Schools, Issue 14 2017, Term 2.